So What? Waterfall

It was pointed out in my course feedback that I should conduct a so what analysis to dig deeper into a theme's differeniated value. I did conduct a couple so here are the so what analysis I conducted:




Other competitors like SquareSpace and Wix are not setup to easily integrate with new technologies.



If client wants developer to upgrade website to have capabilities of these technologies, it is a huge pain in the ass for the developer to figure out and change everything.



Updating and creating websites that anybody can use easily edit with advanced developer capabilities make it easy to create outstanding websites with great content.



This makes a fast and easy development process for developers to build a website from scratch or update a client’s website while being able to use the most up to date open source technologies.





Websites can be prototyped quickly and you can also just point click and edit the webpages. Developers can code how they want, making it easy to add features to online editor for others to use.



Other website editors don't really have a way to collaborate in real time like you can with Stackbit.



Sourcebit allows development adn production teams to be much more efficient.



Building beautiful websites and apps as a team is now something that the whole team can participate in and be effective in developing solutions.
